Get involved in the world of manufacturing
Manufacturing Month
October is Manufacturing Month! Are you a manufacturer, educator, or parent who wants to get involved in tours, school visits, or Scouting events? Contact our Education Coordinator to get started.
Good Jobs Challenge
Over this two-year grant, more than 100 job seekers will be recruited given career technical and soft skills training, onboarded in a manufacturing career, and offered ongoing support via one-on-one job coaching.
Today’s manufacturers offer great career opportunities for people who:
Like to be challenged and solve problems.
Want opportunities to grow and learn.
Like clean, high-tech working conditions.
Want to find ways to help the environment.
Intend to work in their field right away after graduation.
Want to earn enough to live well.
Plan to move up in their career.
Work-Based Learning
Student Success & Assistance

Apprenticeships: Earn & Learn
1,300+ apprenticeship opportunities and 230+ different positions available. More are being added all the time.

Established by House Bill 59 and allows graduates from Ohio Technical Center 900 or greater hour programs to earn credit toward an Associates of Technical Studies.
Tech Ready Apprentices for Careers in Kentucky (TRACK)
Pre-apprenticeship path that utilizes Kentucky’s existing CTE infrastructure in high school and culminates in an industry-recognized credential, paid work experience and advanced standing within a full Registered Apprenticeship.
Help your students get a jumpstart on life after high school by connecting them with work-based learning opportunities.
The Workforce Ready Grant pays for all tuition and regularly assessed fees for qualifying high-value certificates at any eligible training provider.
A dynamic, searchable database that also provides resources and guidance on work-based learning programs.
Cincinnati, American Graduate & CET Ohio Collaborative
Across Greater Cincinnati there are numerous organizations making contributions—both large and small—to support young people identify, prepare for, and move into a successful career. These jobs require some education and training after high school, but not necessarily a four-year degree.
The Kentucky Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (KY FAME) is a partnership of regional manufacturers whose purpose is to implement career pathways and apprenticeship-style educational programs that will create a pipeline of highly skilled workers.
The Indiana Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (INFAME) is a partnership of manufacturers whose purpose is to implement dual track, apprenticeship-style training through partnerships with educational institutions.

The Workforce Ready Grant pays for all tuition and regularly assessed fees for qualifying high-value certificates at any eligible training provider.
The Kentucky Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (KY FAME) is a partnership of regional manufacturers whose purpose is to implement career pathways and apprenticeship-style educational programs that will create a pipeline of highly skilled workers.
The Indiana Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (INFAME) is a partnership of manufacturers whose purpose is to implement dual track, apprenticeship-style training through partnerships with educational institutions.
Ohio Military Transfer Assurance Guides (MTAGs)
Since the introduction of Ohio GI Promise, all 36 Ohio public colleges and universities have been committed to the acceptance and awarding of college credit for training and experience in the United States Armed Forces or National Guard, as long as it has been approved by the American Council on Education or a regional accrediting body, such as the Higher Learning Commission.
Established by House Bill 59 and allows graduates from Ohio Technical Center 900 or greater hour programs to earn credit toward an Associates of Technical Studies.
Ohio’s Apprenticeship Pathways initiative
Turns apprenticeship experience into academic credit. This creates a pathway to an associate’s degree through one of Ohio’s community colleges at minimal cost — and you can even earn while you learn.
Making Ohio offers a variety of materials to support workforce development in manufacturing. Follow the link above to discover more on careers, virtual tours, job descriptions, and more.
This tool will help applicants looking for state government positions locate openings based on their specific experiences, skills, and training, not just academic degrees. State job postings now display a primary job skill on each opening and additional technical and professional skills associated with the position.
Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs
These programs provide individuals with opportunities to obtain workplace-relevant knowledge and progressively advancing skills. Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs) include a paid-work component and an educational component and result in an industry-recognized credential.

TechCred helps Ohioans learn new skills, while employers build a stronger workforce with the skills needed in a technology-infused economy.
The Kentucky Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (KY FAME) is a partnership of regional manufacturers whose purpose is to implement career pathways and apprenticeship-style educational programs that will create a pipeline of highly skilled workers.
The Indiana Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (INFAME) is a partnership of manufacturers whose purpose is to implement dual track, apprenticeship-style training through partnerships with educational institutions.
Through Indiana’s Next Level program manufacturers can gain funding to train employees through the Employer Training Grant program, up to $50,000 is available through reimbursements in high-growth fields.
Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs
These programs provide individuals with opportunities to obtain workplace-relevant knowledge and progressively advancing skills. Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs) include a paid-work component and an educational component and result in an industry-recognized credential.
Create your optimum training program by reviewing and customizing the SkillsCommons training materials, developed by community colleges nationwide and evaluated by Ohio manufacturing subject matter experts.
Opportunity for Ohio employers to receive reimbursement for establishing a recruitment pipeline by hosting high school interns in tech-related roles. This program offers a pipeline of students that can perform job duties similar to an entry-level employee.
Help your students get a jumpstart on life after high school by connecting them with work-based learning opportunities.