Join the Butler Tech 2021 Manufacturing Educator Externship Team (MEET)!
The ultimate goal of M.E.E.T. is to increase the number of individuals with both soft and technical skills needed to fill the growing number of jobs in the manufacturing industry.

The Manufacturing Educator Externship Team (M.E.E.T.) is a partnership between Butler Tech and various local manufacturing businesses aimed at introducing non-career tech teachers to the world of manufacturing. The program will allow administrators, teachers, and counselors to speak from experience as they advise students on educational and career goals.
The ultimate goal of M.E.E.T. is to increase the number of individuals with both soft and technical skills needed to fill the growing number of jobs in the manufacturing industry.
Business Benefits of M.E.E.T:
Grow brand awareness with externs and their students (potentially parents too).
Increase awareness of industry-specific career opportunities.
Inform educators about their expectations of employees in various positions and offer input to the curriculum, thereby contributing to the preparation of their future workforce.
Identify and cultivate future talent by acting as a guest speaker, mentor, field trip host, or job shadow host.
Training and development opportunity for managers and mentors.
The M.E.E.T. Experience Will Allow Educators to:
Embed industry concepts into curriculum throughout the school year.
Be able to better advise students with the application of skills observed in varying careers.
Be able to provide alternate opportunities to students, beyond attending college, by witnessing different definitions of success.
Explore high-wage, high-demand career fields and career options.
Design and implement a lesson plan, narrative, or real-world connection, while adding relevance and meaning to students’ learning while promoting jobs in these growing fields.
Gain an understanding of the employability skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace.
What Does M.E.E.T. Look Like?
An onsite work experience during the week of June 7th – 11th with a local business.
1 or 2 educators can be placed at each participating business to learn about how a business runs their operation and all of the different jobs employed.
The educator/extern will work an 8-hour day (hours determined by each individual business participating).
The educator is responsible for all safety related attire not provided by the company.
A mentor from the business will work with the educators throughout the entire M.E.E.T. experience.
In addition to the full week of work in June, the educators are required to touch-base with their mentor throughout the following school year.
Previous Companies That Have Participated in M.E.E.T.:
Rhinestahl Advanced Manufacturing Group- Mason, OH
Thyssenkrupp-Bilstein – Hamilton, OH
Worthington Industries – Monroe, OH
AstraZeneca – Fairfield, OH
Add your company name to this list!!
I’m interested! How do I proceed?
Contact Megan Reed to ask further questions or obtain more information about getting involved.