"In Our Voices Lies the Power to Transform Manufacturing": Meaghan Ziemba Inspires Women in STEM at AMIP Event
CINCINNATI, OH- Do you know you have a great story to share? Mavens of Manufacturing podcaster Meaghan Ziemba asked nearly 100 AMIP members and guests this question at the November 20th, 2024 Women in Manufacturing event at Kinetic Vision. An experienced technical writer in the manufacturing industry, Ziemba was moved to start her podcast when she noticed that the several existing manufacturing podcasts rarely featured women. She asked on her LinkedIn page if there were any women in manufacturing willing to share their stories, and before she knew it, Mavens was born, with guests booked up through the next several months.
In her presentation, Ziemba shared the hard facts. Women only make up 29-30% of the manufacturing sector in the United States. Globally, women represent a mere 13.7% of engineers. Ziemba believes that the key to changing these statistics is to share our stories, especially the stories of women. "In our voices lies the power to transform manufacturing, close the skills gap, and ignite a movement that secures the future of our sector," shared Ziemba. "By sharing your stories, you play a crucial role in addressing the gaps that exist in today’s manufacturing and help with raising awareness, educational outreach, career pathways, and policy and advocacy."
Kinetic Vision VP Jim Topich shared his daughter's story. Topich's daughter has always had an interest in STEM, helping her father work on cars from a young age. Today, she's thriving as a Mechanical Engineering student at the University of Cincinnati. "This is the future of STEM," Jim said, showing photos of his daughter as a young girl in a "female engineer" shirt, then as a young woman in a University of Cincinnati jersey.
Three women working in AMIP member companies shared their own stories as part of a panel at the event. Caitlin Patrick is an Engineering Project Coordinator at Pioneer Glazing and Cladding. She described the cultural impact she made at Pioneer by encouraging her male engineering colleagues to join her in visiting the factory floor, working directly with the people who carry out the engineering teams' designs and learning from their expertise. Patrick stressed the importance of not being intimidated by colleagues, joking, "They can't eat you!"
Rachel Zucca is a Proposal Specialist at CBT Company. Her candid discussion on the unpaid, often unrecognized work of parenting, which usually falls to women, resonated deeply with mothers in the audience. "Being a mother is a full time job," Zucca said, which is reflected on her LinkedIn work history, where she lists the time she spent as a full-time caretaker of her children among her other work history as an engineer and certified yoga instructor.
Paige Stark is a CNC Operator at Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc. Working on the frontlines of manufacturing, Stark has faced her share of gender discrimination, including men who claimed she wasn't a "real machinist" due to her lack of industry-specific schooling. Rather than being hurt by these statements, Stark chose to let them inspire her. "They said I wasn't a real machinist," said Stark, "so I went to school and became one." With her Machine Operator training from Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, Stark feels she can take on the world.
While women continue to face barriers and prejudice in traditionally male-dominated fields like manufacturing, the tides are turning. Our southwest Ohio community showed Wednesday that they are fired up to support women in manufacturing, to continue to diversify the manufacturing workforce, and above all, to tell their stories with confidence.
To learn more about AMIP and manufacturing workforce initiatives in the greater Cincinnati region, visit advmfgip.org. For media releases and questions, contact AMIP Education Manager Rachel Farnsworth: rachel.farnsworth@advmfgip.org.
AMIP Members socialize with Busken donuts and coffee before the event
AMIP President & ED Susan Whitman poses with AMIP mascot F.R.A.N.K.I.E. (Friendly Robotic Advocate for New Knowledge in Industry Education)
Mavens of Manufacturing podcaster Meaghan Ziemba delivers keynote "Crafting Manufacturing's Future"
Kinetic Vision VP Jim Topich, with his daughter on screen
From left to right: Meaghan Ziemba, Mavens of Manufacturing; Paige Stark, Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc.; Rachel Zucca, CBT Company; Caitlin Patrick, Pioneer Glazing and Cladding