Greater Cincinnati Region Manufacturing Month Top in the Nation
Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana Region Leads the Nation in Manufacturing Day Events, 67 scheduled in the month of October, impacting over 5000 students

Contact: Debby Combs, Director, Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership
(Cincinnati, November 10, 2019) — National Manufacturing Day is a coordinated effort across the nation to show parents, students, and educators what modern manufacturing is today. And nowhere in the country are there more Manufacturing Day events scheduled then here in the Southwest Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana.
In the month of October, more than 5,000 students participated in 67 different Advanced Manufacturing employer supported events designed to inspire the next generation and show off the highly skilled jobs available in this region. Students participate in company tours, gain real world experience through hands on activities developed to provide them with an understanding of the various jobs in an advanced manufacturing. They also learn about the non-technical skills needed to succeed in manufacturing, 21st century skills such as working effectively in teams, critical thinking and problem-solving skills and leadership and responsibility first hand from company employees.
“There is an increasing demand for highly skilled professionals in the manufacturing sector who can design, program and operate technology,” said Debby Combs, Director of Industry Partnerships at Partners for a Competitive Workforce. “The average age of a manufacturing employee is 56, and between now and 2020 there will be an unprecedented shortage of skilled workers who will need to be replaced.”
The Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership (AMIP), which is coordinating National Manufacturing Day events in the region, is an employer-led collaboration of over 300 members working to open young achievers’ minds to the lucrative job opportunities and alternative to college debt available through manufacturing careers.

The AMIP is funded and led by Partners for a Competitive Workforce, a strategic initiative of United Way of Greater Cincinnati. It also is affiliated with the National Manufacturing Association (NAM), the Ohio Manufacturing Association (OMA), the Manufacturing Institute (MI) and Dream It Do It OKI. To learn more about the AMIP, visit