AMIP Podcast, Episode EIGHT
MFG Day – Planning and Preparation

MFG Day – Planning and Preparation
Are you planning to highlight MFG during the month of October?
This doesn’t have to be a broad, eccentric event with hundreds of students. We are willing to help you host or demonstrate professional skills used every day in manufacturing. This episode will hopefully inspire you to start planning what your event might look like!
This experience is intended to attract a larger workforce while showcasing the high tech, variety of skills, and careers that are available to the next generation of students considering manufacturing.
When students have a chance to experience modern manufacturing firsthand, they are primed to succeed and contribute within this exciting field.
Featured Guests:
Sean Kelley, AMIP Executive Director
Amy Meyer, M.Ed. Rhinestahl
Emily Larsh, Makino
Will Healy III, Balluff Inc.
Register your event with AMIP – Let us know how we can help!
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