AMIP Awarded Industry Sector Partnership Grant
Husted Announces Industry Sector Partnership Awards

Husted Announces Industry Sector Partnership Awards
Funding supports collaboration between businesses, education & training providers
January 12, 2021 Carolyn Cypret, 614-995-1815
(COLUMBUS, Ohio)—Lt. Governor Jon Husted, in his capacity as Director of the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation, today announced that 12 workforce partnerships will receive awards through the Industry Sector Partnership Grant. This program supports partnerships that help ensure Ohioans can participate in the workforce pipeline while meeting the needs of job creators and the local economy.
Today, 12 partnerships have been awarded for a total of $2.5 million. The selected partnerships are located in various regions across Ohio and focus on multiple in-demand industry sectors, including healthcare, information technology, manufacturing, construction and transportation.
“These awards will jumpstart and expand workforce partnerships across Ohio that are helping more individuals earn the skills needed to successfully find employment,” Lt. Governor Husted said. “This is real-world skill development where educators and businesses work together to help people gain the skills they need to get hired for jobs that pay well and have a future. Enhancing meaningful partnerships between the business and education community is key to growing Ohio’s workforce and filling in-demand jobs at a time when many people are looking for opportunities, but not sure where to start.”
Awarded partnerships include:
Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership
Appalachian Ohio Manufacturers’ Coalition
CEA Cleveland Builds
Central Ohio Manufacturing Partnership (COMP)
ConxusNEO Industry Sector Partnerships
Information Technology Accelerator (ITAP Ohio) Partnership
Lorain County Manufacturing Sector Partnership
Mahoning Valley Manufacturers Coalition
Ohio IT Apprenticeship Collaborative
Raise the Bar Hancock County
Workforce Connect Manufacturing Sector Partnership
Workforce Partnership of Shelby County
Industry Sector Partnerships are designed to develop workforce strategies specific to the various regions around the state, with the goal of driving collaboration between local businesses, workforce professionals, education and training providers, and community stakeholders. Grant funding will help support the operations of both new and existing Industry Sector Partnerships.
“A skilled workforce will continue to be a cornerstone of our economic strategy moving forward, and Industry Sector Partnerships develop targeted strategies to address regional workforce needs,” said Lydia Mihalik, Director of the Ohio Development Services Agency. “We are providing Ohioans with training to grow or start their career.”
Development Services Agency held an application period for the grant from January 23, 2020 to March 13, 2020 and placed applications on hold in response to the widespread impacts of COVID-19. Submitted applications were reopened in October 2020. Learn more about the Industry Sector Partnership Grant by visiting

The Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership (AMIP) and Ohio Manufacturers’ Association (OMA) are honored to be the recipients of an Ohio Industry Sector Partnership Grant to spark a new era of employer-led growth for Advanced Manufacturing in Southwestern Ohio. This is an ideal time to share the “Power of Ohio Manufacturing” story with the world and we are excited to begin. With over 350 business, education, and community partners across the Greater Cincinnati region and a clear mission to “Protect and Grow Ohio Manufacturing”, OMA and AMIP are eager to build on the proud 100+ year history of manufacturing excellence here by engaging students, teachers, and parents to rediscover these companies in order to find and fuel their future by “Making in Ohio.” We are grateful for this opportunity.