Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership Celebrates the Conclusion of Manufacturing Month
Today, November 17, 2022, The Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership (AMIP) is celebrating our success in showcasing careers in manufacturing with over 2500 students attending tours with local manufacturers.
Local Students participate in manufacturing tours for career readiness

Cincinnati, OH — Today, November 17, 2022, The Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership (AMIP) is celebrating our success in showcasing careers in manufacturing with over 2500 students attending tours with local manufacturers. Local manufactures like Pilot Chemical, Monti, General Tool and Pioneer Glazing, host tours that demonstrate advanced manufacturing and promote career opportunities across our region.
In October, over 60 manufacturers across nine counties collaborated with AMIP to host events with school partnership from Reading, Princeton, Kings and Hamilton high schools resulting in 2510 students learning about high-tech, advanced manufacturing companies. Students see career opportunities like machining, programming, IT, engineering and welding; all in-demand careers.
“MFG day events are life-changing experiences. The students and even parents leave with the goal of pursuing a career in the manufacturing industry,” said Amy Meyer, AMIP Board President. “As an industry, manufacturers must broaden the reach of skilled workers — opening their doors to students and parents is making an impact on how they see manufacturing. After going on a tour, students see a place themselves in these companies – and they can get great jobs upon graduation.”
Students are shown modern manufacturing practices, including automation and robotics. They see first hand how their classes actually translate to working in a real job and how rewarding a role in manufacturing can be with not only technical skills, but problem solving and collaboration.
“We prepare ahead of our events by identifying a diverse group of tour guides that represent different pathways in manufacturing: different careers, different levels of education so students can observe a day in the life in this industry,” said Molly Fender, Vice President of Human Resources for Monti, Inc. “We have developed great relationships with local educators to showcase where manufacturing processes align with class curriculum. Since we have started hosting these events, there has been a rise in interest for students looking for employment right out of high school. It’s really fun to expose them to all the different areas.”
Additional events are being organized throughout the remainder of the year. Educators or manufacturers that would like to take part can connect with AMIP for assistance any day of the year.
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The Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership (AMIP) is the Greater Cincinnati regional association of advanced manufacturing employers, educators and community agencies working together to ensure a have a robust pipeline of qualified workers.
As the southwest regional industry sector partner for the Ohio Manufacturing Association, it works to alleviate occupational shortages for the industry by creating and implementing an integrated process to link current and prospective employees with educational opportunities to meet the needs for skilled talent across southwest Ohio, northern Kentucky and southeast Indiana.